Dont miss..150 Year CBS Anniversary Ball

A quick reminder the

Colaiste Ris/ Dundalk CBS 150th Anniversary Gala Ball

takes place in the Carrickdale Hotel on Saturday November 23rd. This event promises to be a fitting end to a great year of celebrations in our two schools. Any individuals or groups still looking for tickets should contact

Colaiste Ris office on 042 9334336 or Finbar on 087 3908056.

Please pass on to others in your year group.
Pádraig Hamill,
Coláiste Rís,
Dún Dealgan


Great News !!

 We have finally made contact with all of our classmates to let them know about the reunion.

We have contacted 44 classmates and have 31 confirmed attendances so far and awaiting final confirmation from 13 more .

We  would greatly appreciate confirmation for any of the events you wish to take part in by …

 letting  us know …by e mail t0         or by mobile to 087 255 6623

The following classmates below have now all been contacted and if you have not confirmed yet please let Peter know ASAP

by phone at 087 255 6623,   or by e mail above or by commenting on this page.

Also don’t forget to check out our Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook link on any page and making a comment etc.

Billy Baldwin Rory Mc Ardle
Paul Cahill Brendan Mc Cabe
Anthony Clarke Aidan Mc Carron
Brendan Cleary Jim Mc Cartney
Niall Curran Ambrose Mc Dermott
Gerard Donnelly Ciarán Mc Donell
Cris Duffy Peter Mc Kevitt
Brendan Duffy P Mc Gahon Peter Mc Nulty
Michael Durnin T o’Hanlon Eugene Muckian
Eamonn Grey M Ryan Jos P Mulligan
Patrick Kavanagh G Quinn Jos N Mulligan
Patrick Kirk T Toner Gerard Murphy
Paul Kirk T. Donnelly Dennis Murphy
Brian Lambe D. Gribben David Murphy
Paul Lambe F Mc Evoy Declan Nelson
John Loughran G. Mc Evoy Eamonn  Keenan
Seamus Watters JosSharkey  Brian Gallagher