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Great News !!
We have finally made contact with all of our classmates to let them know about the reunion.
We have contacted 44 classmates and have 31 confirmed attendances so far and awaiting final confirmation from 13 more .
We would greatly appreciate confirmation for any of the events you wish to take part in by …
letting us know …by e mail t0 or by mobile to 087 255 6623
The following classmates below have now all been contacted and if you have not confirmed yet please let Peter know ASAP
by phone at 087 255 6623, or by e mail above or by commenting on this page.
Also don’t forget to check out our Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook link on any page and making a comment etc.
Billy | Baldwin | Rory | Mc Ardle | |
Paul | Cahill | Brendan | Mc Cabe | |
Anthony | Clarke | Aidan | Mc Carron | |
Brendan | Cleary | Jim | Mc Cartney | |
Niall | Curran | Ambrose | Mc Dermott | |
Gerard | Donnelly | Ciarán | Mc Donell | |
Cris | Duffy | Peter | Mc Kevitt | |
Brendan | Duffy | P Mc Gahon | Peter | Mc Nulty |
Michael | Durnin | T o’Hanlon | Eugene | Muckian |
Eamonn | Grey | M Ryan | Jos P | Mulligan |
Patrick | Kavanagh | G Quinn | Jos N | Mulligan |
Patrick | Kirk | T Toner | Gerard | Murphy |
Paul | Kirk | T. Donnelly | Dennis | Murphy |
Brian | Lambe | D. Gribben | David | Murphy |
Paul | Lambe | F Mc Evoy | Declan | Nelson |
John | Loughran | G. Mc Evoy | Eamonn | Keenan |
Seamus | Watters | JosSharkey | Brian | Gallagher |
In Their Memory..
We remember fondly all of our classmates who have passed..May they all rest in peace
Payment to Peter Mc Kevitt on the day
Bus Trip: A bus tour of the Cooley Peninsula with stops at “places of interest” is arranged for those who do not wish to play golf. The cost of the trip will be approx €15 but will depend on how many decide to go..further details later.
Dinner: Dinner will start at 7pm sharp in the Plunkett Room. This room is on the right hand side of the hallway as you enter the hotel, and we will have it for the evening/night. There will be a four course meal of Turkey and ham, Beef, or Salmon at a special rate of €30 per person
Golf. A Tee time has been arranged for anyone who wants to try their hand at golf, and you don’t have to be an expert. It’s just for fun and currently aprox 20 have entered !!
The reserved Tee Time is from 1pm to 2pm. Please email to book a time slot.
We have a great price of € 20 per person for the round of golf
Reunion Details
Reunion Day Final Timetable of Events
11.00. Visit to school. Planting of Commerative Tree, short tour of school by principal Pauric Hamill. Enterance to school via the Monastery in Chapel St. Limited parking (bring Change)
13.00-13.30. Golf at Ballymac. Please arrive by 12:45 for team selection.Tee off at 13:00
14.00. Bus Tour. Meeting at Ballymac at 14.00, departing at 14.15 to Omeath, Carlingford and Grange. Tour Director Ciarán Mc Donnell, and Paul Kirk will take advance Drinks Orders.
19.00.(Sharp) Dinner. Plunket /Mc Guinness roooms. Assembling in the Bar Prior to dinner. 32 past pupils plus one teacher attending.
We are looking forward to meeting you all, and in having a great day out. Also looking forward to hearing many tales from our days at the CBS.
Visit to the School, We are arranging a visit to the school for 11am on the morning of the 10th for about an hour. This has to be confirmed.
Those going on the Bus trip or playing golf may wish to avail of a light lunch in Ballymascanlon before heading out for the evening.
Golf. A Tee time has been arranged for anyone who wants to try their hand at golf, and you don’t have to be an expert. It’s just for fun
The reserved Tee Time is from 1pm to 2pm. Please email to book a time slot. We have a good price of € 20 per person for the round of golf
The last golfers out should be finished by 6pm
Dinner; In Ballymacscanlon Hotel. Dinner will start at 7pm sharp in the Plunkett Room. This room is on the right hand side of the hallway as you enter the hotel, and we will have it for the evening/night. There will be a four course meal of Turkey and ham, Beef, or Salmon at a special rate of €30 per person. Anyone with special dietary requirements please contact Peter at the above address in advance.
Bus Trip: A bus tour of the Coley Peninsula departing from Ballymascanlon with stops at “places of interest” is arranged for those who do not wish to play golf. The cost of the trip will be approx €15 but will depend on how many decide to go..further details later.
Rory Mc Ardle suggested that he could organise a “Zimmer Frame “ Race on the back lawn . For those interested please contact Rory directly. Frames will be supplied free of charge. Please bring your own doctor.